Effective Acupuncture


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If you're looking to naturally enhance your health and take care imageof your body, you've come to the right place.

As a NCCAOM-certified Oriental Medical Practitioner (OMP), I can help you transform your vitality and your life for the better. I can help you look and feel your best. And I can help you enjoy yourself along the way.

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me" and send me a message.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.



From David Mahen Aug 2016

I highly recommend Kathleen O’Donnell for her outstanding acupuncture work. I am 67 years young, and I have my share of aches and pains. Some I inherited with age, and others from injury. I am not even certain what caused what. Over the years I have had a chronic recurring backache. I believe it happened as I was lifting a gas stove into a pickup truck, and the truck bed was just a bit too high for me. From then on, I have as recurring flare ups. I have tried various treatments. Doctors prescribed muscle relaxers, and I visited a chiropractor for a number of weeks. I have experience Reiki and other energy modalities. Everything helped a little, but the pain always rebounded, sometime a sneeze would cause a flare up. I also use heat, cold, and over the counter pain medicines. The pain comes and goes, but it never went away. Kathleen’s office is near to mine and we started a conversation one day. When she explained a bit of her training, and the work she did, I thought to give it a try. I asked Kathleen to work in this, and she agreed. Wow, what a difference. The pain is completely gone. I am completely pain free as I write this. It’s been three days of pure relief and I anticipate more. For future ailments, aches and pains, I’ll see Kathleen first. I recommend you do the same.


With Gratitude,


David Mahen